PURPOSE: This blog serves as my personal journal and album as well. A collection of inspirational articles, my own compositions as well as those borrowed from other minds. Included herein are the inspirational videos, photographs of my own family and various pictures personally taken.
INSPIRATION: Someday when I ‘m gone I hope this blog would still be around to constantly remind my own children what sort of a Father they had. That these are the sort of stories I liked. That this is the way how I think, i.e., through my own articles. That they are very precious to me. That this is the epitaph I wanted to be written in my tomb. That these are the sort of things they should do during my 7 days novena when I’m already dead, e.g., the prayers I wanted to be recited during my wake. So on and so forth… (Many of these things are still to be written)
Friday, July 31, 2009

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